Judgment and criticism is a form of self-protection that separates us from others. Create stronger relationships by using these three mindset shifts to eliminate judgment and criticism.
When Your Better Way Isn’t Better
If only other people would take your advice, their life would be better. Or maybe not.
The Curse of Curiosity
Thanks to technology, we can satisfy every fleeting curiosity in an instant. This isn’t always a good thing.
The Danger of Assumptions
Assumptions close us off to possibility. They limit our perspective. Block us from seeing truth. In others and in ourselves.
3 Places Where We Must Cultivate Trust
3 Places Where We Must Cultivate Trust in Our Defining Moments Our defining moments often present us with issues that provoke fear, which paralyzes action. To move through, we must cultivate trust in 3 different places.
4 Stages to Mastery
Learning the stages of mastery from the Four Sons and their questions.