You will play many roles in the unfolding narrative arc of your life. The new moon in Gemini invites you to examine the current story you’re living and the role you’re playing, and to imagine a new story and a new role for your next evolution.
Venus Square The Lunar Nodes: An Invitation to Transcend Your Fear With Confidence
As Venus squares the Lunar Nodes, it highlights the push/pull tension at the heart of life. To get out of the sticky place, we must transcend our fear and find the confidence to let go and fly.
5 Things to Know About Venus in Leo in 2023
What happens when the planet of love and relationships moves into the sign of firey courage? Here are 5 things to know about Venus’ transit through Leo.
Venus in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces: Trust What Flows
As Venus in Cancer forms a supportive trine to Neptune in Pisces, it invites us to consider that maybe we won’t need to work so hard. What would it take to trust what flows?
Venus Sextile Uranus: Revolutionizing the Currency of Care
Is our current collective values system serving our long-term good? As Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, it invites us to consider how we might benefit from a revolution to a currency of care.
Venus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus: Revolutionize Your Relationship With Your Resources
What happens when the planet of relationships, money, and pleasure meets up with the planet of innovation and revolution in a sign notorious for resisting change? An invitation to examine our relationships to money, pleasure, comfort, and change itself.
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