“Your outer world reflects your inner world” is a simple principle. Yet it is also complex because it requires us to look within for the cause of what we experience.
The Value of “Me Time”
The statement that time spent on appearance is lost time from work dismisses the value of self-care and reflects a misunderstanding of what the real work is.
How to Make Time for Rest When You’re Overloaded With Work
We often feel that we can’t make time for rest until the work is done. But the work is never done, so we don’t rest. Here’s a way to get the self-care you need no matter how much is on your plate.
What Determines Our Worthiness?
Our rational minds understand that worthiness is inherent in being. Unfortunately, our rational minds don’t run the show. We live and love by our rules.
What the Heart Teaches Us About Service
Remembering this one fact about the heart reframed my entire approach to service and self-care.
Embracing a Sacred Pause
[spacer size=”40″] On Monday, I decided to take a sacred pause for the Spring Equinox. I spoke about this concept on my weekly Periscope show this past weekend: the importance of taking a pause to reassess, reflect and renew. I’ve been feeling really behind in my year so far, struggling to clear space for myself […]