The Full Moon in Cancer is sitting next to Mars at the mid-point of its retrograde, bringing to light 3 areas for us to review.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Recalibrate Your Aim
As Mercury stations retrograde in adventurous Sagittarius, you might be inclined to fear flight delays. But the messenger planet’s last backtrack of 2024 has a more practical utility.
Empower Yourself During Mercury Retrograde
Pop astrology wants you to fear Mercury Retrograde. Instead, learn how to use this period of time to empower yourself and make progress.
The Productivity Rule That Sets You Up to Fail
A popular productivity rule, which I first learned from David Allen’s Getting Things Done, may seem like good advice, but it’s actually contrary to the laws of nature and how real progress happens.
3 Practical Tips to Work With Mercury Retrograde in Aries
Mercury retrograde is nothing to fear. As the Messenger stations retrograde in impulsive Aries, here are 3 practical strategies for working with this transit to improve your communication skills.
3 Things I Did to Improve My Performance in Every CrossFit Open Workout
I did every workout of the 2024 CrossFit Open twice. Here are the 3 things I did that helped me significantly improve my performance in just 2 days.
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn Offers the Structure for Your Year-End Review
Mercury in Capricorn wants to plan the path forward; when it turns retrograde it can feel like a stop to our momentum. Rather than viewing this as a slide backward in progress, we can view it as a perfect opportunity to review and revisit issues from a new perspective.