As Mercury moves into Virgo, it brings our focus to the details of our daily routines, rituals, schedules, and plans, that can support us in accomplishing our big goals. Here are 5 ways to work with this transit.
Uncertainty About Your Goals Is the Best Way to Start the Year
Unpopular opinion: the best way to start the year is in a state of uncertainty about what you want. Here’s why.
The Limits of Logic
We often think that specifics will bring us certainty, but experience shows that logic and metrics have their limits. As Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, we’re invited to mediate spreadsheets with intuition.
Full Moon in Pisces: How to Persist Through Criticism or Containment
The full moon in Pisces invites us to consider how we find flow within structure, and how we persist in the face of criticism or containment.
3 Questions to Ask When Your Plan Gets Interrupted
When your work plan gets interrupted and you feel off-track, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of shame and self-blame. Before you fall down that hole, here are 3 questions to ask yourself.
How to Power Perseverance of Your Dreams
As Mars and Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn they invite us to explore our deepest desires and claim our power to persevere in pursuing our dreams.
Is Your Plan Keeping You Stuck?
Everyone says you need a plan. What if everyone is wrong?