In the pursuit of greater productivity, wandering gets a bad rap. But often, veering off course is exactly what we need to find creative solutions to the problems we are here to solve.
Mercury, Saturn, and Sun Conjunction in Pisces Supports You in Creating Clarity and Commitment to Your Most Important Projects
It’s impossible to make progress without clarity of vision and commitment to showing up over the long arc of time. As Mercury and Saturn join with the Sun in Pisces, they support us in getting clarity on our priorities and committing to the long haul process of implementation.
Full Moon in Virgo: Harmonize the Details with the Big Picture
Too much focus on the details can keep us locked in perfectionism and avoiding action. On the other hand, focusing too much on the vision without taking specific actions can also keep us stuck. The full moon in Virgo invites us to mediate this tension and find a middle ground.
Mercury in Pisces: The Limits of Data and Logic
As Mercury transits through Pisces, it invites us to ditch the data in favor of our felt experience, and let go of mental models in favor of deeper wisdom.
3 Essential Attributes of Pisces — and How to Work With Them During Pisces Season
As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces can be all-encompassing and overwhelming. Here are 3 essential attributes of Pisces and a practical guide to how to work with them during Pisces season.
Find Your Power in the Polarity of Structure and Flow
Structure and flow appear to be opposites, but the strength of each is actually found in the other. We find power when we mediate the polarity to find the synergy between them.