When I first started writing my blog, I would review, edit, and proofread each piece many times over before publishing. Often, I didn’t end up publishing at all because I got so lost in the edits.
I was conditioned to write legal briefs and agreements where the details were crucially important.
I constantly had to remind myself that a blog isn’t a legal brief. I embraced the mindset of published over perfect.
Now when I go back to reread old blog posts, I often find typos or words that are completely wrong. Sometimes I have found half-finished sentences.
Although I often cringe when I see these errors, I remind myself that they didn’t stop people from receiving value from my work.
The full moon in Virgo invites us to explore this tension between the big picture and the details, and to assess how we are mediating it.
Virgo Full Moon
At a full moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, pulling focus to one axis of the zodiacal wheel and the themes it represents.
At the full moon in Virgo (February 24, 7:30 am ET), the moon is in Virgo and the Sun is in Pisces, pulling focus to the Virgo/Pisces axis.
The Virgo/Pisces axis pulls our focus to the tensions between structure and flow, order and chaos, discipline and surrender, details and the big picture.
Pisces: The Big Picture
In Pisces, we swim in the ocean of oneness. Pisces is a place where boundaries dissolve. Everything is connected.
Pisces is about being in the mystery, attuning to the subtle energies. In Pisces, linear time doesn’t exist.
Pisces season is a time when we nurture our relationship with the mystery and the spiritual, when we seek to transcend the mundane details of life for bigger mystical experiences and deeper wisdom.
Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, Pisces is all about the big picture. It eschews details over the concept. It lives in the dream.
In a dream, we tend to see a landscape of a situation without a focus on the minor details. In the depths of the ocean, minor details don’t render. The specifics get blurry.
In Pisces we may seek to avoid getting too caught up in the day-to-day details of a project at the expense of the bigger picture.
This is a good quality when you’re accurate in your assessment of the priorities.
Sometimes, it’s important to ignore the push of immediate urgency to keep the focus on the long term. Some details are simply not relevant in the bigger picture.
An issue that is pushing for our attention in the moment may get resolved or become moot as we maintain our focus on the bigger picture.
On the other hand, sometimes the detail is more important than you had previously judged it to be.
Virgo: Moments Matter
Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is a sign that loves the details. Its argument is that “a life is made of moments.”
In this sign we are encouraged to get “the moment” right, to sort out the details of a thing in order to create the bigger picture we envision.
Virgo’s position is that if you get all the moments right, then you’ve made the whole. Especially if you do it sequentially.
Virgo is very much about doing things in order, in a linear way. This is a practical earth sign that is all about the daily routines and chores of life — usually not seen as so mystical or magical.
Virgo invites us to put a structure in place that will hold the big vision of our Pisces dream, so we can move from dream to reality.
Mediating the Polarity
Ultimately, Virgo and Pisces both help us navigate transitions and move to a place of equilibrium. They just have different ways of getting there.
It’s not that one is better than the other.
Too much attention to the details can keep us from seeing the forest for the trees. When we are so focused on the small details, we lose the bigger picture of our ultimate outcome miss opportunities that might be coming our way.
We might avoid taking necessary risks because we are so worried about the current moment.
Virgo’s shadow is perfectionism, which can keep us stuck where we are and keep us from our dreams.
On the other side of the wheel, focusing too much on the big picture can cause us to miss details that matter.
The shadow of Pisces is escapism and addiction: seeking altered states to live perpetually in a dream rather than in a grounded reality.
This, too, can keep us stuck.
Big picture visions are important, but without taking specific steps in the present moment our dreams will remain ephemeral.
The invitation of this full moon is to mediate this polarity to find an equilibrium where we can remain focused on the big picture and the necessary details.
The Virgo full moon asks us to find the magic in the mundane, the mystical experience in our daily routines, and the practical in the spiritual.
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