Productivity culture consistently pushes myths about time and time management that create shame and paralysis that destroy our productivity. Here are the top 5 myths.
Why “Eat the Frog” is the Worst Productivity Advice
In the canons of productivity advice, the advice to “eat the frog” — to do your most difficult task first — is the worst. Here’s why it’s flawed and what to do instead.
Debunking the ADHD Motivation Myth
People with ADHD often get labeled as “lazy” or “unmotivated.” It’s not accurate and represents a misunderstanding of what’s actually happening.
The Power of Being Seen in Your Pain
We may feel vulnerable in sharing our pain with others, but a 2,000 year old myth shows the healing power of letting ourselves be seen in our darkest moments.
The Myth of Practice
It’s time to debunk the core myth around the value of practice.
Here’s Why Even Clock Time Isn’t Linear
Every minute may be comprised of an equal number of seconds, but minutes are not created equal.
Ending the Myth of the Lone Wolf
Life is better and richer when shared in community. You don’t have to do it alone.