Our lives are always speaking to us. Our bodies are always speaking to us. We only need to teach ourselves how to attune to the messages.
This Question Will Change Your Life
Asking this one question daily can keep us focused on what will truly make a difference.
How I Stopped Snoozing on My Life
The catalyst that helped me break through my stuck point and say yes to myself first.
Embracing the In-Between Time
Somewhere we got the idea that we should pack our schedules full. What if that is causing us to miss out on life itself?
Embrace Serendipity
To have the kind of year that is meaningful and that leads to growth, something has to happen that you can’t plan.
The Eulogy I Wrote For Myself
One of the best exercises we can do when we feel stuck is to write our own eulogy. It might sound morbid, but writing your own eulogy helps you get perspective and see the arc of our lives from a different angle.