It’s no accident that the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah falls in Capricorn season. Here are 3 ways Hanukkah reflects the Capricorn archetype and the practical ways you can apply this ancient wisdom to your life.
How to Create a Lasting Impact
If you’re a mission-driven entrepreneur with aims to “impact the world,” consider how scaling back can help you live more aligned and create a greater impact with your work.
Are You Living for Your Obituary or Your Eulogy?
An obituary is not the same as a eulogy. In the quest to “leave a lasting legacy,” we might get hung up on amorphous visions to “impact the world” and create obituary-worthy achievements while overlooking the more lasting impact of our interpersonal interactions.
The Only Legacy That Lasts
Leaving a lasting legacy has nothing to do with what you create, build, or invent, what you contribute to science, or how much you publish. Instead, it comes from a different form of contribution.
The Gift of Unexpected Death
When people die suddenly and unexpectedly it can send our world into chaos and cause us to question everything. This is a good thing.
The Power of Words
Whether spoken aloud or internally, the power of words is vast. They can be used to hurt or heal. They have power to create and destroy. What are your words saying?
The Story of Ruth: Lineage vs Legacy and the Power of Choice
You need not be defined by where you come from. It’s your choices and what you leave behind that matter most.