Even with the same location, and the same people, you will have a different experience.
What We Miss When We Document Our Lives
By focusing so much on trying to capture the moments of our lives, we end up missing out on the very moments we are trying to document.
7 Life Lessons I Learned From Doing Stand-Up Comedy
Over the past decade of attenting personal development seminars, I’ve learned that “the reason you think you’re here is not the reason you’re here.” We often go into something with one intention, but we get something very different out of it.
How to Have a Clear Mind at Age 95
Grandparents are a rich source of life lessons. And we’re never too old to learn something new.
How Decisions Shape Our Destiny
5 years ago today was the first Thursday in November, 2010. Although I didn’t know it at the time, my life would never be the same again.