Overwhelm is a doorway to procrastination and being stuck. Here are 3 steps to reset when you start spinning in overwhelm.
3 Keys to Working With the Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo
After 18 months in Aries and Libra, the lunar nodes shift to Pisces and Virgo, initiating a new set of lessons for the coming year and a half. Here are 3 keys to navigating the nodal transit through this new axis.
New Moon in Virgo: The Art of Discernment
The new moon in Virgo gives us a fresh start on implementing our ideas, but it wants us to be discerning and disciplined about which ideas.
New Moon in Gemini: Explore Your Ideas and Pick a Path
The New Moon in Gemini magnifies all of our brilliant ideas and insights, and also forces us to choose a one to implement. Even twins are born one at a time.
Mars/Saturn Conjunction: How to Take Consistent Action Without Burnout
As Mars and Saturn join together in Pisces, it could feel like a hard stop on our impulsive drives to action. It also can offer us an important lesson in how to work more sustainably to get more done without burning out.