Breaking habits and creating long-term, sustainable, behavior change is challenging for everyone. In theory, it should be simple. Just do the new thing you want to do. But we all know it’s not that easy. What makes it so complicated? It’s not about the behavior.
How Long Does it Really Take to Create a Habit?
One of the most common questions people ask me is: How long does it take to create a new habit? Here’s why this question is not relevant, and what you should focus on instead.
How to Catalyze Lasting Change
From civil rights to gender rights, from sexual assault to gun control, to your personal habits, all movements and all lasting change start in the same place.
How To Fuel a Sustainable Life
A short-term challenge can be a great way to start implementing a new behavior. But what happens when the challenge ends? How do you create a sustainable change?
5 Reasons You Fail to Keep Your Resolutions
If you’re already off-track with your resolutions, you’re in good company. The truth is, you likely set yourself up to fail. Here’s why.
How I’m Learning to Overcome Perfectionism
Conditioning new behavior and breaking habits is never easy, and when done in public they often trigger the very perfectionism I’m trying to break. What’s helping me embrace published ovdr perfect.