As Mars enters Aquarius it invites us to embrace our contrarian nature and take action differently. But first, a conjunction with Pluto will force us to explore what keeps us from daring to be different.
New Moon in Aquarius: Reinvent Yourself
If you’re feeling stuck, stagnant, or tired of the status quo, the new moon in Aquarius offers you the celestial support to stage a revolution for your reinvention.
Full Moon in Leo: Shining in Your Light is a Service to the Collective
The full moon in Leo shines a light on the ways in which we diminish ourselves to fit in to community. It invites us to consider how the courage to stand out and shine in our light can be a service to the collective.
5 Things to Know About Aquarius Season
Following Capricorn season’s focus on building structures to support our vision, Aquarius season invites us to consider that sometimes structure is what’s in the way. Here are 5 important things to know about Aquarius season and how to work with its energy.
Full Moon in Aquarius: Step Back to Move Forward
The full moon in Aquarius shows us that problems are best solved by stepping away from them so that we can see the full picture of seemingly unrelated events.