Rather than forcing sacrifice for the sake of compromise, we can find beauty by integrating conflicting elements in a way that honors the best in all.
Good Fences Make Great Flowers
What fences do you need to build to reduce the harms in your life and create space for the seeds of what you truly desire to bloom into being?
The Discipline of Restraint
In a world that values doing, it takes strength to practice non-doing. This is the discipline of restraint.
It’s Good to Be a Fool
Looking like a fool is something we fear when trying something new, but being a fool can be our biggest helper.
How I Create My Own Way
There are risks in trying new things, but experiments are necessary. Ultimately, this is how we find our own way.
The Magic of the Creative Void
Culture conditions is to fear the void in the creative cycle, but when we resist the space of rest we also resist the flow that emerges from it.