We tend to think of rituals in the context of religious observance, but they have a role in all areas of our life. What is the power and purpose of rituals outside of religion, and how does this enhance meaning and fulfillment?
Why Ask Questions?
[spacer size=”30″]Questions may facilitate learning, but they are also rituals in their own right. They play a starring role in connection with an event that celebrates freedom. What do the questions teach us about freedom? A whole lot.
How to Tell a Story
The mandate on Passover is “to tell” the story of the Exodus. But what exactly does this mean? And how can we apply this to other areas of our lives?
4 Ways Questions Facilitate the Learning Process
[spacer size=”30″] In case you didn’t get enough questions at your Passover Seder, I have one more: What’s the purpose of all the questions?
How You Can Fail at Meditation
I used to believe that meditation was about finding that miracle space where I wouldn’t hear thoughts or voices, either internal or external. I used to believe each time my focus strayed from my breath that I was “failing” in meditation. I’ve been learning that the goal of meditation isn’t what I originally thought.
Impossibly Possible
I’ve had a lot of ups and downs over the past months or so. Some days I feel like I’m at the threshold of a big breakthrough. I see the possibility that lies before me and I’m ready to grab it. And then, it disappears. Like a puff of smoke, it vanishes. It’s a new […]