Mercury enters Capricorn for a two month journey that will include a Mercury retrograde. If we play it right, it can help us break our big visions into actionable goals. Read on for 5 tips to make the most of this transit.
During Venus Retrograde in Leo, Confusion is a Good Thing
Venus retrogrades can create more questions than answers and lead us to feel confused about what we want. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s a good thing. Here’s how to navigate it.
6 Topics That Come Up For Review During Venus Retrograde in Leo
Venus retrogrades often mark pivotal moments for us collectively and personally. Here are 6 topics that come up for review as the planet of love and desire travels backward through Leo.
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn: Review Your Systems
Here’s how Mercury Retrograde can help you start 2023 on a better note.
What’s In Your Way?
If you’re feeling stuck, first determine what’s in your way.
How to Move Through Regret and Disappointment
How do you get over your disappointments and regrets? It’s a question that can be asked only by one who is brave enough to create space for reflection in the first place.