The full moon in Pisces invites us to consider how we find flow within structure, and how we persist in the face of criticism or containment.
Jupiter Sextile Saturn: Create Structure for Sustsinable Abundance
If you want to achieve sustainable abundance and growth, you need a solid structure and a willingness to take consistent action over the long term.
Venus in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces: Trust What Flows
As Venus in Cancer forms a supportive trine to Neptune in Pisces, it invites us to consider that maybe we won’t need to work so hard. What would it take to trust what flows?
5 Things to Know About Saturn in Pisces
For the first time in 30 years, Saturn has entered the sign of Pisces. You may have heard. It’s a big deal. Here are answers to your top 5 FAQs about this energetic shift.
Full Moon in Virgo: Get Ready for Big Change
The full moon in Virgo arrives just before two of the biggest energetic shifts of the decade, inviting us to examine how we navigate major life changes.