We have no shortage of beliefs that can keep us from moving forward with our progress, but there’s one that is tops when it comes to dangerous limiting beliefs. Here’s what it is and 3 reasons it’s so harmful.
3 Ways Your Negative Thoughts Serve You
A little-discussed challenge in the world of habit change is that everything we do serves a purpose, and that purpose makes it hard to let go of the habit. The same is true of our thoughts. Here are 3 ways your negative thoughts serve you.
Are You a Late Bloomer?
If you live with the narrative of being a late bloomer, spring has a powerful and important reminder for you.
Full Moon in Capricorn: Illuminate Your Shadow and Release What’s Holding You Back
The full moon and partial lunar eclipse invite us to illuminate what’s in the shadows and release what no longer serves our evolution to our highest selves.
Why Your Limiting Beliefs About Time Are So Persistent — and How to Shake Them Loose
“Not enough time” is a prevalent limiting belief that can feel impossible to eradicate. Here’s why that is and how to recondition it.
How I Rewired Beliefs About Self-Care
I used to have a belief that self-care detracted from service to others. Then I made a shift.
How to Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs
There are three ways to disprove limiting beliefs. Of these, one is so effective it can permanently eliminate your limiting beliefs.