Venus retrograde encourages us to reflect on the most essential question: What do I want? It may seem simple, until you ask the follow up: Am I allowed to want what I want?
During Venus Retrograde in Leo, Confusion is a Good Thing
Venus retrogrades can create more questions than answers and lead us to feel confused about what we want. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s a good thing. Here’s how to navigate it.
The Sign That You’re On Target With Your Soul’s Purpose
Sometimes the signals we try to avoid or run away from are the signals directing us to our soul’s purpose.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: Amplify Your Life
The full moon in Sagittarius invites us to answer one of the most challenging questions about our lives, and what really is holding us back.
The Only Legacy That Lasts
Leaving a lasting legacy has nothing to do with what you create, build, or invent, what you contribute to science, or how much you publish. Instead, it comes from a different form of contribution.
Are You Feeling Lost in Life? Read This.
Are you feeling lost in life? Still searching for your purpose or your “thing”? Read this.