x A cognitive understanding of how something works doesn’t lead to better action. In fact, it can interfere with action. To move forward we must learn to trust the intelligence of the body above the mind.
The Skills You Need in the Age of AI
Is AI going to make your job irrelevant? Not if your work is based in certain core skills.
Mercury in Pisces: The Limits of Data and Logic
As Mercury transits through Pisces, it invites us to ditch the data in favor of our felt experience, and let go of mental models in favor of deeper wisdom.
The Limits of Logic
We often think that specifics will bring us certainty, but experience shows that logic and metrics have their limits. As Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, we’re invited to mediate spreadsheets with intuition.
Mercury Trine Neptune: Investigate Your Imagination
When you’re drowning in external and internal noise, you can’t hear your truth or access your creativity. As Mercury trines Neptune, it invites us to tune out the noise from outside and from within, and access our deepest imagination, intuition, and wisdom.
A Counter-Intuitive Lesson From Superbowl Advertisers
The companies that advertise in the Superbowl offer a counter-intuitive lesson for how to make decisions in your creative work and business.
The Conditions That Facilitate Intuition
Accessing your intuition doesn’t just happen. You must set up the conditions that create space for your intuition to flow to you.