The demons of doubt and fear can be formidable oppressors, trapping us in a victim mindset and enslaving us to a life lived below our potential. The good news is that we hold the key to free ourselves.
Freedom Isn’t Granted; It’s a Choice
One of the lessons of Passover is that freedom is not something we are given. It’s a state we choose on our own.
Questions Are Essential to Freedom
At the Passover Seder, we tend to focus on the process of asking questions. Equally as important in this context is the receiving of questions. The willingness to allow questions — to create space for them — is also a sign of freedom.
The Essential Element for Freedom in Your Business
Many entrepreneurs start a business in search of freedom, only to find that they are still slaves to work because they lack one essential element: control over time.
This is what I learned when I quit Facebook for a year without deleting the app
I stopped checking Facebook for a year, without deleting the app. This is the biggest lesson I learned in my time off of the social network.
How to Be Free
What does it mean to be free? How do we gain our freedom? It might just be in seeing what’s in front of us.