If you find yourself holding back on speaking up, the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in Aries is here to ignite a spark of courage within you to share your message with bold confidence and faith that you will reach exactly the people who need to hear what you have to say.
5 Things to Know About Aries Season
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries season invites us to be bold, brave, and couragous in taking imperfect action. Here are five things you need to know to harness the energy of Aries season.
How to Find Belonging
Money, achievements, and accomplishments can help you buy your way into clubs, social spheres, and associations, but it they can’t buy you a sense of true belonging. There’s only one way to fill the emptiness of loneliness, and it requires courage to do the work.
Full Moon in Leo: Be Bold and Courageous
The full moon in Leo invites us to be bold and courageous and embrace our full, authentic self-expression. Who helps you step into yourself?
Silence is Complicity
When it comes to verbal and emotional abuse, especially within a family unit, there are no innocent bystanders. Silence is complicity.
The Difference Between Good Writing and Extraordinary Writing
I’ve been publishing a daily blog for 5 years. This is the difference between good writing and extraordinary writing.