Conflicting advice can lead to overwhelm, overthinking, and paralysis. In the end, there’s only one expert to listen to: yourself.
Do You Care Too Much About What Others Think of You?
Feeling bad because you give too many f*cks what people think, when you know you shouldn’t? Here’s why you should cut yourself some slack.
What to Do When The People Who Ask For Your Advice Don’t Take It
When people come to you for advice, you may have an expectation that they will take it. What happens when they don’t?
5 Actionable Tips for Breaking Out of a Slump
Have you ever felt like you have momentum moving in the wrong direction? Perhaps life is conspiring against you? Here are 5 actionable tips for breaking out of a slump.
Essential Reading for Creative Professionals
I was browsing through podcasts a few years ago when I discovered a podcast called Accidental Creative. The name caught my attention. I wondered, Who is a creative by accident? I was curious. I started listening to the podcast. And I was hooked. This is how I first discovered the work of Todd Henry, […]
On the Precipice
The core of what I do as a real estate broker is help my clients navigate the bumpy road of their emotions. I help them see the big picture, acknowledge their fears, and step over the threshold into that place previously beyond their comfort zone. This is the part of the process that juices me […]