Pausing once a year to answer these 3 questions will put you on track to live a life of meaning and purpose, in alignment with your truth.
When Silence is the Sound
The defining feature of Rosh Hashana services is the sounding of the shofar. When the holiday falls on Saturday, we don’t sound it. Here’s why the silence speaks more loudly.
The Courage to Be Open to Life As It Is
The spiritual path does not require us to bypass our unsavory emotions, but rather to open to accepting ourselves exactly where we are.,
3 Lessons About Entrepreneurship and Freedom That We Learn From Passover
The great promise of entrepreneurship is freedom. But many people leave their 9-5 only to find themselves wandering a vast desert of a different form of oppression. The Passover story teaches us 3 lessons about how to attain freedom.
The Crushing Burden of Creative Work
Before you ditch your 9-5 for the promise of “freedom” as a solopreneur or creative, consider whether being your own boss will really make you “free.”
What is Imbolc?
How to leverage this ancient holiday to play time in a different way and live aligned with the seasons.
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