When you surrender to rest you allow the brain and body to clean up all the debris you’ve accumulated throughout the day.
A Sabbath Poem
Sabbath is the time for reconnecting with the essence of who you are.
Lammas is the Summer Holiday You Didn’t Know You Need
In the midst of the marathon of summer, Lammas offers a much-needed respite for renewal and harvest.
The Commandment to Rest
“Remember to rest” is not merely a lifestyle suggestion, but a commandment — as important as not stealing, not murdering, or not lying.
Zoom Fatigue is Real. Here’s How to Deal With It
You don’t need to lie to get out of a Zoom call or FaceTime chat. You have the right to say no to preserve your health.
Our Cultural Sabbath
If we don’t take time to rest, something will force us to rest. We are being handed a cultural Sabbath. Will we seize the gift?