The Founding Fathers of the United States had a clear grasp on our tendency to remain in suffering and our resistance to change.
A Sneaky Form of Resistance That Undermines Your Experience
When you say “this shouldn’t be so hard” you undermine your experience and prevent your growth.
The Point of Resistance is Your Point of Entry
The place where you are resisting the place to deepen awareness and go within. Learning to hold space for yourself with compassion will deepen your connections.
What’s the Point of Halloween Costumes for Adults?
Do we wear costumes to pretend to be someone else, be more of ourselves, or some other reason?
How Busy Makes You a Victim, and How to Reclaim Your Power
When it comes to the reasons why we don’t take action, nothing holds sway quite like the allure of “busy.”
Resistance is Not the Enemy
When it comes to Resistance, our task is not to label it or judge it, but to understand how best to work with it.