Mercury’s transit through Pisces can be like a bad case of brain fog, forcing us to adapt to new ways of working. Here are 5 ways to keep creating through this transit.
5 Things to Know About Pisces Season
Pisces season marks the final stage in the sun’s journey around the zodiacal wheel, the ending of the zodiacal year. Here are 5 things to know about the energy of this season.
Venus Conjunct Neptune in Pisces Invites You to Dream Big
Dreaming big can feel unrealistic and indulgent, but it can also give us crucial information that can set us up for living more aligned with what we truly desire. In this way, momentary escapism can be highly productive.
Mercury Retrograde and the Full Moon in Pisces: How Do You Handle Radical Uncertainty?
In the face of radical uncertainty, human nature is to grab on to anything tangible, even if it isn’t secure. This full moon in Pisces invites us to consider another way.
Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces Invites You to Dream Big
The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is a once-in-a-lifetime invitation to dream your biggest dreams. But the moment also asks you to ground it in reality.
Full Moon in Virgo: The Power of Discernment
The full moon in Virgo illuminates the power of specificity in working with our emotions.