The total lunar eclipse in Virgo is the opening of a 2-year story that invites us to start by letting go of whatever is cluttering our bandwidth.
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: The Shadow of Service and Self-Care
The lunar eclipse in Pisces is the opening chapter in a new story we’re writing about the apparent polarity between the our responsibility to service of others and the chores of life versus our own self-care.
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Mediating War and Peace
Every full moon illuminates a potential polarity. With the full moon in Taurus, the sun is in Scorpio, bringing focus to the polarities of war and peace. By sitting with the discomfort, we can mediate them to find a place of healing.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Release + Grieve What Is Holding You Back
The lunar eclipse in Scorpio is here to help you release and grief what’s holding you back so that you can move forward. It’s powerful medicine, if you’re willing to take it.
Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus: Shake Up Your Status Quo
When an earthquake knocks out the power and puts obstacles in your well-worn path, you’re forced to seek out a new way forward.
Lunar Eclipse: Embrace Your Shadow
Use the energy from today’s lunar eclipse in Taurus to embrace the darkness, disconnect from technology, rest your brain, and embrace your shadow. Emerge renewed and enhanced.