If you’re unsure what to get the ADHD person in your life, here are 3 gifts that will be well-received and appreciated. The best part is: they don’t require you to do any shopping or depend on delivery.
3 Gifts and Challenges of the Libra Archetype
Every zodiac sign is an archetype that exists within you. Libra season is an opportunity to know this part of yourself better. Here are 3 gifts and challenges to explore.
Full Moon in Leo: Shining in Your Light is a Service to the Collective
The full moon in Leo shines a light on the ways in which we diminish ourselves to fit in to community. It invites us to consider how the courage to stand out and shine in our light can be a service to the collective.
3 Gifts That Will Make the Biggest Impact
Everyone loves to open a nicely-wrapped gift. But the gifts that we most need and desire can’t be wrapped or put under a tree.
5 Lessons on Healing from the Jupiter/Chiron Conjunction
When Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, meets up with Chiron, the wounded healer, it offers us an invitation to learn from our deepest wounds. Here are 5 lessons on healing from the Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in Aries.
To Be a Better Giver, Be a Better Receiver
There’s no better gift or act of service we can offer those we care about than to wholeheartedly receive the gifts that they desire to offer us.
How I Practiced Yoga at a Gas Station
When my keys and phone got locked in the car, it provided the perfect opportunity to practice yoga — but not in the way most people are used to.