Environment is more potent than willpower. Intentionally creating the ideal space for your best work can be half the battle in overcoming procrastination and fostering your brilliance.
How to Get Out of Your Coronavirus Creative Slump
If you’re finding yourself in a creative slump right now, you can start to shift out of it by creating space for creativity.
The Counterintuitive Secret to Boost Your Productivity
The secret to boosting your productivity and “getting more done” is counterintuitive, but it works.
Steven Covey’s Big Rocks First Strategy is Wrong
The classic productivity advice to “put in the big rocks first” when planning your life, or your day, overlooks a crucial element necessary for productivity.
Why We Fear an Empty Space
[spacer size=”40″] We crave space, but then rush to fill it with stuff. What’s behind this urge to fill our spaces, and why do we resist an empty space?
Can We Really Do It All?
[spacer size=”40″] Lost in the debate about whether we can “have it all” is a less-discussed issue that looms as a bigger threat: the idea that we can do it all.
What Does it Mean to Hold Space?
[spacer size=”30″] The art and skill of holding space is an essential skill to master. What does it mean to hold space, and why is it so crucial? The Art and Skill of Holding Space The most valuable gift we can give other people is to create an environment in which they feel safe to share […]