The best productivity advice I ever received was unexpected, which caused me to take notice. These are the 3 ways I apply it to my life.
Nobody Has Answers For You
A truth that is both liberating and terrifying at the same time.
3 Strategies for Keeping Calm During Epic Disruption
How do you stay calm when life feels like an earthquake? Here are 3 tips to navigating disruption with greater ease.
The Strength of Having Multiple Careers
The experiences you have and the knowledge you gain from one part of life is never wasted, even if you leave that part of your life behind.
The Best Productivity Advice You’ll Ever Receive
The internet is full of advice on how to be more productive. None of that advice takes into consideration the most important factor: what works for you.
The Advice to “Be in Nature” Misses This Crucial Point
The advice to “be in nature” as a way of restoring is proven advice that works, but it misses a crucial point.