honor your body
respect it’s need for deep rest
restore your system
In a culture that praises hustle and grind, rest is radical and revolutionary.
In a world that is ever more connected, where someone is always awake and ready to receive, it’s easy to feel like you always need to give.
The pressure to be in constant creation mode can cause us to ignore the needs of our own systems.
We are often unaware of the energies that infiltrate our fields, the impact of this culture on our nervous systems, until it’s too late.
When we don’t respect the resources, when we run our systems to depletion, we cannot thrive. And then we don’t have the ability to give.
Attunement to the needs of our individual systems is a vital skill — a muscle that must be strengthened like any other.
It requires practice to reconnect to the subtle signals of your nervous system so that you can restore before depletion.
It requires courage to say no to outside demands — and inner expectations — to give yourself what you truly need.
Caring for yourself, restoring your system, is a prerequisite to serving others. You cannot serve if your own cup is empty.
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