How you show up matters.
How you show up for your work. For your clients. For your kids. For your friends. For your family. For your community. For all the people and projects that depend on you.
Most of all, how you show up for yourself matters.
It matters a lot more than most of us acknowledge.
Because if you don’t show up for yourself, at some point you won’t be able to show up for all the others who depend on you.
If you do not sustain yourself, you cannot support others.
You already know this.
Whether you choose to acknowledge this is another story.
Whether you choose to do something about it is also another story, separate from acknowledging it.
But you know it: How you show up matters.
Whatever work you are here to do, whatever impact you are here to make, whatever role you seek to play in this world, is in distant second place to how you show up.
How you show up sets the tone for your practice. How you show up shapes your work, your contribution, and your impact.
How you show up becomes your legacy. It defines your brand.
Because how you show up is what people remember.
It’s common to ask people “what do you do?” More relevant is to ask “how do you do?”
What you do matters.
Who you are, how you show up —
Matter even more
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