Your body is speaking to you. It’s always speaks to you.
If you listen, it will tell you who to spend more time with, and who to stay away from.
It will tell you what work is most aligned for you and where to focus your efforts.
Your body will tell you where to go and what route to take to get there.
It will tell you when to rest, when to push harder, when to move and when to be still.
The problem is that we don’t learn how to listen.
In fact, from the earliest stages of our lives, we learn to ignore our body and how it communicates. We learn to numb sensation with pain killers, ignore clear messages of exhaustion, and pay no credence to the whispers and warnings that our bodies deliver through illness or dis-ease.
Signals get distorted or overlooked, so the body roars back with bigger signals until it can no longer be ignored.
Your body carries profound intelligence, far deeper than the mind can ever hope to know. It speaks to you in dozens of ways.
Are you listening?
Do you even know how?
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