We often don’t realize the habitual ways we tense against life, and how this impacts our physical health and wellness.
Clear the Path From Your Past to Clear the Path to Your Future
In theory, the present is independent of the past and the future. But that’s not always how it works in practice.
The Power of Words
Whether spoken aloud or internally, the power of words is vast. They can be used to hurt or heal. They have power to create and destroy. What are your words saying?
The Key to Forgiveness Lies Within You
Forgiveness isn’t just something you do in the mind. To be effective it must also be an embodied practice.
How to Move Through Regret and Disappointment
How do you get over your disappointments and regrets? It’s a question that can be asked only by one who is brave enough to create space for reflection in the first place.
A Letter to My Blog On Its 7th Birthday
Rather than share a more traditional blog post on “lessons learned,” I decided to write a letter to my blog. It surfaced the lessons learned and so much more.