Pluto is leaving Capricorn and moving into Aquarius. Why is this such a big deal? What can we learn from it? Here are 5 things you need to know about this next chapter in our collective experience.
The False Promise of Information
The promise of the internet was that it would bring transparency, freedom, and equality by unlocking information. Did it deliver?
Two Illusions That Keep You Addicted to Your Phone
Two reasons why you won’t put it down, and why you should.
Has Technology Kept Its Promise?
The promise of technology was that it would help us work less and create more free time for other activities. How’s that working out for you?
Using the Moon Phases to Live a Higher Quality Life
Cultivate the patience to be where you are, and you will find your full-moon phase in due time.
How To Free Yourself From What Holds You Back
Only by slowing down can we taste the bitterness of our enslavement and break the patterns that hold us back.