Here are some things I’ve learned in 8 months of daily blogging.
How Long Does it Really Take to Create a Habit?
One of the most common questions people ask me is: How long does it take to create a new habit? Here’s why this question is not relevant, and what you should focus on instead.
How I Built a Daily Blogging Habit
For years, I tried and failed to create a daily blogging practice. I thought it was out of my reach, until it wasn’t. This is how I built a daily blogging ritual.
Should I Quit My Daily Publishing Experiment?
There are moments in every endeavor when we feel it isn’t working. How do we know when it’s really time to quit and when to keep going?
The Truth About What You’ll Win When You Publish Daily
My latest experiment in daily practices was to publish every day in November. Here we are. And here’s the truth about what you really get from daily publishing.
How to Be Grateful When Life is Beating You Down
To be grateful when life is beating you down and you really don’t feel like it feels incongruent. How can you get aligned and feel grateful from your heart?