On the surface, the March For Our Lives is about gun control. But beneath the politics lies a deeper issue that portends the possibility for a more radical revolution to our cultural standards. The radical revolution is self-worth.
The Patriarchy Is Not the Enemy
What holds women back from gender parity is not the patriarchy, but other women. Instead of fighting the men, perhaps it’s time to take a page from their book.
Why Do You Care What I Wear If I Deliver Results?
Women won’t be playing on an equal playing field until the world stops looking at our appearance and outfits first. If I deliver results, then I’m dressed for success.
Are You Making This Common Mistake With Your Fears?
The Breakfast Club — yes, the movie — teaches the common mistake we make with fear.
Happy Birthday. Or Not.
Today is my birthday. And I’m “celebrating” in the same way I did last year: by staying offline. Here’s why.
Why It’s OK to Wish Me a Merry Christmas, Even Though I’m Jewish
I’m Jewish. So I understand the desire not to offend. But seriously? It’s a little much with the politically correctness.