Mercury in Aries invites you to be bold in your communication. Here are 3 tips to write or speak with clarity, confidence, and courage.
How I Create My Own Way
There are risks in trying new things, but experiments are necessary. Ultimately, this is how we find our own way.
The Magic of the Creative Void
Culture conditions is to fear the void in the creative cycle, but when we resist the space of rest we also resist the flow that emerges from it.
Trust the Messiness
The illusory need for organized notes gets in the way of what is truly the best system: the one that works best for you.
Embrace the Will to Wander
Sometimes productivity is measure by inputs, not outputs.
Wear Your Own Shoes
It’s time to let go of trying to fit in to someone else’s shoes and forge my path in my own shoes, or in no shoes at all.