Many people think that to make a change in your life, you need only one move in a new direction and the rest will take care of itself.
That’s not going help you make a sustainable change.
My teacher Abbie Galvin, who teaches Katonah Yoga at The Studio in NYC, teaches that the process of change is counterintuitive.
Here are 3 elements of change:
(1) Repetition
If you want to change your body, you can’t go to the gym once or twice, or whenever you feel like it.
Whatever new thing you’re trying to do, you must repeat it.
Repetition is how we train our bodies and minds to a new way of being. Repetition gives us insights and revelations.
(2) Technique
A baker knows that every cake will come out well because they use technique and a recipe, rather than leaving it to chance.
You can hit the gym every day, but without good technique, nothing will change in your body.
Find someone to teach you technique so you don’t spin your wheels in place.
(3) Time
How long before I see results? is one of the most common questions people ask me when they are about to embark on a new practice.
To make a change you have to do the new thing for a long time. Longer than you think. You have to do it when it’s uncomfortable and even when it seems like you’re not getting results.
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