This is part of a series exploring the seven lower Sephirot (spheres) of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These spheres are the seven core emotions that drive human interaction.
This week we have been exploring the sephirah of Gevurah, the strength of restraint, boundaries, and restrictions.
constraints allow flow
surrender to the structure
it will set you free
Structure, especially when imposed by others, can feel frustrating. It confines and limits us.
But that limitation can be the key to our freedom — once we surrender to it.
Hod of Gevurah represents the opposite approach from Netzach of Gevurah. While Netzach is oriented to the future and the long term vision, Hod remains in the present. The focus of Hod is appreciating the beauty of this moment and honoring all that is here now.
Netzach wants to fight. It strives to achieve victory. This is the energy we are conditioned to bring to every challenge.
In the realm of Gevurah, we are creating space. If we treat every distraction as a problem to be solved we will waste our energy trying to fix things.
Creativity and innovation thrive in constraints. But if we spend our energy resisting the distractions that interfere with our space or pushing back against the structures that feel confining, we will have no energy to create and innovate.
Not everything is a problem to be solved.
Hod of Gevurah reminds us to appreciate the distraction; to get curious about it and what it is here to teach us. This is a path of humility. We don’t have all the answers.
Hod is the path of surrender. It is only when I surrender to the structure that I can use it as a catalyst for innovation.
Surrender sets me free.
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