shake everything off
release old identities
and set yourself free
Shame takes a behavior and turns it into a prison of identity. It takes us from I’ve done a bad thing to I am bad.
Shame thrives in darkness and secrecy. It separates us. Stifles. Paralyzes.
I realized I’ve been carrying so many identities: procrastinator, disappointment, irresponsible, careless, reckless.
All of these identities have kept me trapped in shame.
And shame has kept me hidden and isolated. It has kept me lonely even when I’m surrounded by people. It has kept me in darkness. It has kept me small. It has kept me from sharing my work and what I have learned. It has kept me from serving.
Now I am saying enough. No more.
Through the sacred modality of Breathwork, I exhaled all of the limiting identities and stories that have been keeping me small.
Shame thrives in darkness. I’m done hiding. I am turning on the lights.
My soul knows that life does not happen to me. It does not even happen for me.
It happens through me.
Everything in my world is there because I created it or allowed it. The identities I have held exist because I allowed other people to impose them on me.
I gave them the power to dictate who I am.
No more.
Others may label me, but they will not define me.
Only I have that power.
My soul knows that my mistakes are my gifts, and that my healing path is the vaccine I offer to spare others from the pain that I’ve endured.
My soul knows that my mistakes are the guideposts — the route markers on the road less traveled, the toll of being willing to go first on the paths where others fear to tread.
My soul knows that the lessons I have learned are the offerings I bring to others who wish to learn from them.
My soul knows that no identify is permanent because I am constantly reinventing and rebirthing, waking up each day in a new body with new experiences that shape me.
My soul knows that with each breath I release the dead parts and begin again, stepping into higher versions of myself.
My soul knows that I am light, love, truth, and integrity. I am an adventurer. I am a creator. I am a soul warrior. I am gifted with the grace of source and can be defined only by my creator.
My soul knows that in every moment when I choose to step into the light I am shaking off the cobwebs of shame.
My soul knows that I am free.
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