This is part of a series exploring the seven lower Sephirot (spheres) of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These spheres are the seven core emotions that drive human interaction.
enduring action
consistent and persistent
what can you sustain
one step at a time
navigate your resistance
avoid depletion
Welcome to week 4 of the 7-week journey through the Tree of Life. In this journey to personal freedom and sovereignty, this week marks the midpoint, the pivotal week.
This is the week of Netzach.
Netzach literally translates to victory or eternity.
Other keywords associated with Netzach include: endurance, willpower, drive, determination, sustainability, enduring, persistence, perseverance, patience, achievement, resilience.
The Realm of Action
Netzach is the realm of action. This is where the rubber meets the road.
At first glance, it seems we are in the familiar territory of doing. And we are. But there’s a catch.
Netzach is not about one-time massive action or instant gratification. It is not about action for the sake of action.
Netzach is the ability to continually take action towards long-term goals.
Purposeful action. Meaningful action. Sustainable action.
The Long Game
In the body, it maps to the right hip and leg. Consider that this is the foot that steps on the gas pedal when you drive.
Netzach represents our drive and ambition; our hunger for doing and achieving.
But if we don’t approach it with an eye toward sustainability we will burn out.
The realm of Netzach is about playing the long game.
The most important things in life are not achieved through one time actions but by continual efforts.
Daily actions repeated over time.
- Building a business.
- Physical health and fitness.
- Creating an online presence.
- Building lasting relationships.
- Raising children.
- Creating a meditation practice.
If we want to create and build something that will endure, we must build it in a way that is sustainable and sustaining for us.
This is the realm of practice. It’s the realm of rituals, intentional actions for a larger purpose.
- How do you endure in your action?
- How do you sustain your action without depleting your essential life resources?
- What obstacles interfere with your taking action?
- How do you navigate these obstacles in a way that is sustainable?
Navigating Resistance
We are also looking at how we navigate the obstacles — both internal and external — that will inevitably arise along the way.
The biblical archetype of Netzach is Moses, who showed resistance at every step of his mission, overcome with self doubt and fear.
Netzach is the realm of imposter phenomenon and hiding from your mission
This is the crux of the hero’s journey.
This is where shit gets real.
This is where you want to escape.
This is where it’s easy to fall into the resistance archetypes that tend to surface for you.
And this is where we have the greatest opportunity to heal.
If you can see yourself in Netzach week, if you can observe how you show up and how you shirk; if you can see what gets in the way, and what derails you, you have a profound opportunity for healing.
This week, beware of your impulses to run and hide.
Watch out for excuses — especially the ones that sound legit.
Healthy Netzach
Healthy Netzach requires us to cultivate the 3 P’s of persistence, perseverance, and patience.
As we will see, it is inextricably linked to Hod, next week’s trait.
Sustaining action over the long term requires knowing when to charge forward and when to hold back. It’s about finding harmony in our actions, and working in rhythm with time, nature, and the seasons. It requires a mix of confidence and humility.
Unhealthy Netzach
Unhealthy Netzach can take many forms, including:
- Procrastination
- Give up too easily
- Not following through
- Unhealthy persistence
- Imposter syndrome
- Arrogance
- Burnout
Inquiries for Integration
As a starting point to assess where you land in the realm of Netzach, consider these inquiries:
- Where do I give up too easily?
- Where do I allow things to be derailed?
- Where do I lose confidence and not follow through?
- Where am I too persistent to the point that I push through even when it no longer serves me to do so?
- Where am I gripping rather than allowing things to flow?
- Where am I white-knuckling to keep going?
- Where am I resisting?
- Where am I pushing too hard?
[…] collects and balances the different and opposing energies of Netzach and Hod, which represent our drive to persist through obstacles and our appreciation for what is. […]