This is part of a series exploring the seven lower Sephirot (spheres) of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These spheres are the seven core emotions that drive human interaction.
This week we are exploring the sphere of Netzach, which is the trait of enduring action.
be driven by love
sustain with integrity
don’t deplete yourself
Anything built without structural integrity eventually crumbles. This is true for building and for what we build in our lives.
Today’s trait is Yesod of Netzach. Yesod speaks to foundation. It is the integration of Netzach and Hod. It also pulls down from Tiferet which sits above it on the center column of the tree of life.
One way to look at the Yesod of each sephirah is to consider
How am I integrating this attribute? How am I embodying it?
Yesod of Netzach invites us to examine our Netzach — our drive, action, endurance — through this lens.
Persistence and endurance are generally viewed as positive traits, but if I am persisting in my actions at the expense of my health and well-being, that’s not healthy.
Netzach that is all push with no rest is not in integrity. It hasn’t integrated the lessons of boundaries. If my Netzach in one area depletes my energy for other projects, it’s not sustainable.
Integration Inquiries
Some questions to ask yourself about your Netzach to help you integrate this further:
- What is driving my actions? Am I driven by love or by fear?
- Are my actions in alignment with my values and mission?
- Are my actions in integrity?
- Am I pushing myself at the expense of my health (in all of its forms)?
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