How do you get over your disappointments and regrets? It’s a question that can be asked only by one who is brave enough to create space for reflection in the first place.
A Spiritual Homecoming
The period from Rosh Hashana through Yom Kippur is a spiritual homecoming.
Autumn Equinox: Restoring Balance
The Autumn Equinox invites us to pause, take inventory, and restore balance in our lives.
Change is the Beginning
Rosh Hashana reminds us that change isn’t an end-goal, but rather the beginning of a process that leads to transformation.
Shana Tova: The Change is Good
When we resist change by judging whether it is good, we miss the opportunity to see how it is good.
New Moon in Virgo: Create Rituals to Renew
The New Moon in Virgo ushers in the Jewish New Year. The message of both: create rituals for your renewal.