Subverting your needs to keep the peace in a relationship doesn’t generally work to sustain peace and is unfair to you, your partner, and the relationship as a whole.
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries: A New Chapter in Your Healing Journey
As the total solar eclipse plunges us into darkness, it invites us to go within and sit with our deepest wounds to initiate a new chapter in our healing journey.
Mercury Conjunct Mars: Watch Your Words
Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio reminds us of the power of words to inflict pain and incite violence. It also reminds us of the power of aligned action and having the courage of our convictions.
Full Moon in Libra: Unlock and Heal Your Patterns of Pain
As the moon opposes the sun and Chiron, it illuminates our patterns of deep wounding so that we can create space for healing.
How to Heal Your Deepest Wounds
Our deepest wounds are best healed the way they are formed: in relationship.