Our true home is not something we need to “find.” There’s no search to run, no listing portal to scour, no properties to tour.
Objectively True vs Practically Useful
Even if something isn’t proven by science, it may be true in the common experience and/or practically useful.
How to Be Vulnerable Without Oversharing
Vulnerability can be a powerful force to deepen connection and trust with others. But in the wrong context it can backfire, leaving us feeling scarred from rejection. How can you embrace your truth without oversharing?
How to Take Pride in Your Life
What would be possible in life if we stopped caring what others think? If we stopped conforming to expectations? If we all had the courage to live our truth and be who we are?
The 3 Biggest Fears of Creative Entrepreneurs
If you’re caught up in fear around releasing your creative projects into the world, you are not alone. Here are the 3 biggest fears that hold us back, and the truths that will set you free.
To Change Your Life, Start With Your Language
Softening your language to make other people comfortable interrupts your process for change. It’s not your job to make other people comfortable. It’s your job to speak your truth.