I’ve written almost 1,900 blog posts, and I still get stuck in writing. This is a normal part of the creative process. Here are 5 things I do to get back into flow when I feel stuck.
What’s Keeping You Stuck?
If you want freedom, first you must identify what’s in the way of freedom. You might be surprised to discover what’s really in the way.
A 3-Step Process to Create a Breakthrough
If you’re feeling stuck, this simple process can help you turn things around — if you approach it in the right sequence.
Find the Fun in Fundamentals
Setbacks are great opportunities to refocus on fundamentals and build back skills while reconnecting with the fun of what we’re doing.
Look For the Way In
When things aren’t going well we often look for the way out, when what we really need is a way in.
What To Do When Nothing Is Working
3 options available to you when you’re feeling stuck in getting where you want to go.