We tend to resist change, even when we bring it on ourselves. Our need for variety is counterbalanced by our need for certainty and stability. Letting go is the way to grow.
The Most Important Factor In Pricing Your Offerings
In any industry, understanding what business you are really in offers a new lens through which to view pricing options and creates a powerful frame for effectively pricing your offerings.
3 Ways to Keep Your Productivity on Track
3 ways that asking “what business am I really in?” can help you keep your productivity on track and make progress on what matters most.
The Single Question That Controls Everything
How you think about your business isn’t just an academic exercise. It can have profound implications for whether you even have a business in a few years. What business are you really in?
What It Takes To Nurture Real Relationships
If you’re going to create an event focused on connection, it helps to give people what they need to connect.
What’s The ROI of Personal Growth?
The benefit of investing in personal growth hasn’t always been obvious. That’s changing now.